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Taking the Key

Buy or Sell

Get Cash Back at Closing

For Champions working in Civil Service/Government, Education,
First Responding, Health Care, and the Military

Are you against getting Cash Back at Closing when you Buy or Sell your next home?

Ready, Set, Go—Real Estate dreams fulfilled plus Cash Back in your pocket!


home garage

1. Chat with Us

Find out if you are a good fit for this new FREE Program.

In the call we'll cover how the program works and you'll have a chance to bring up questions. Ask away! We're so excited this Cash Back Opportunity is knocking at your door and we look forward to connecting with you! Keys to your cash "thank you" could be right around the corner.

Home Entrance

Cash Back at Closing.
Find out how

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2. Buy or Sell your next home with one of our Realtors

Today’s housing market demands a keen, experienced professional who navigates the process with integrity and finesse. Whether you’re Buying or Selling (or both) we incorporate the newest technology and features for efficient time management and optimal results. We jump into your world to assess needs and help you achieve your goals, all while making the journey an enjoyable one. Would it be a problem to be incredibly pampered when you Buy or Sell your next home?

Our approach is customized and skillful. No cut corners or discount service. Just premium care!

Old Alarm Clock
home keys

3. Get Cash Back at Closing

At Closing time your Realtor gifts you Cash Back! You will receive a deposit right into your bank account. What you decide to do with the Cash Back is entirely up to you. And the possibilities are endless. This is money that you wouldn’t have otherwise.

What will you do with your Cash Back?

Get Cash Back at Closing when Buying or Selling your next home


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